
Hello there! Iā€™m Finn Klessascheck, and currently a PhD student at the TU Munich at the Chair for Information Systems ā€” welcome to my website.

About me

My research interests include business process analysis and process mining, with a particular focus on conformance checking methods. Further, I am interested in broader topics such as sustainability and ethics, and their integration into the area of business process management. Lately, my research has focussed on the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities, and the potential to integrate its concepts into the BPM discipline. This will allow companies to assess ā€“ in a data driven manner ā€“ in how far they adhere to the taxonomy, and report their financial KPIs accordingly. For more, check out my list of publications here and my most recent professional activities here.

Finn Klessascheck, M.Sc.

  • (2022) M.Sc. IT Systems Engineering, Hasso Plattner Intitute
  • (2018) B.Sc. IT Systems Engineering, Hasso Plattner Intitute